Mittwoch, 12. September 2007

Mari, can I have your love child?

Which One Of Your LJ Friends Will You Marry?
LJ Username Favorite color red blue white orange green purple pink blackGender male femaleYou will marry... mastamariYou will be married for...years 21Your combined income will be... $268,899.31You will have...children 17
This fun quiz by fuzzinabox - Taken 16406 Times.</a>New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Samstag, 25. August 2007


I figured I'd give some random background on my icon. The pedestrian signal with the guy with the hat is from east Berlin. Under communist rule, all of the little guys on the lights wore hats. So, when the wall fell, the west wanted to replace all the hat guys with their "normal" pedestrian lights. However, the east Berliners threw a hissy fit and, to this day, you can tell when you enter east Berlin because all the crosswalk signal guys wear hats. Silly Germans...

Montag, 20. August 2007

Long time no see...

Well, I suppose I'll start using this thing again, even though no one reads it. Um, this summer's been busy...Got back from two weeks in Germany a couple weeks ago. Now I'm just taking a couple classes at Northlake, which kind of sucks. Government starts at 7.30 in the morning, which is just cruel and unusual punishment. Also, since I haven't officially graduated yet, I'm scurrying around trying to finish my English correspondence course. That's all that stands between me and a diploma, but I'm terrified I won't finish in time...Oh well, we'll just have to see. That's basically all I'm up to right now because my life is sad. Oh yeah, that and Ken's moving in with us. The guy he and his dad are living with is selling his house, so he needs a place to stay. Yeah, life's gonna get real interesting in a couple weeks...

Sonntag, 19. August 2007

Bandwagon time!

If there is one person you can't stop thinking about, post this same exact sentence in your journal.I'll update for real someday...

Sonntag, 12. August 2007

All in...

All in all, this weekend was ok. Ended up going to the Asian festival on Saturday with Ken, Kenny, and Christine. It was generally kind of lame, but the taiko and Chinese yo-yos were cool. Then we went back to Kenny's and I watched the boys play video games (as Akane can tell you all, I can sit for hours and watch people play). Realizing I had yet to buy my mother a gift, I dragged Kenny and Ken out on a little shopping adventure, but ended up empty handed since the stored decided to hate me. Got free food from Kenpa then went to sleep at Ken's for a while. Sunday was equally fun. Got my mom a foot massager (can anyone say "double motive"?) but forgot a card ><. Oh well. I made it up to her by taking her and Ken (he lacks a mommy) to Benihana's for some spiffin hibachi. Rawkage ensued. Not too shabby a weekend, if I do say so myself.Today (school day) was, unfortunately, not so spiffy. Woke up to the horror that is the AP biology exam. The multiple choice kind of sucked but they managed to pick VERY nice essay questions (thank you College Board!!). After that, Ken took me to Corner Bakery and yummy foodage was attained (get off campus lunch if we do AP exams). The rest of the school day was boring and not worth noting.After school, I hooked up with Mary Helen, Cory, Eileen, and Ken and we hung out a bit (yay Futurama and Tivo!). Then, all of us (minus Ken) went to the lake and hung out there for a while. Upon finding a rather large patch of blackberries, Eileen, Mary Helen, and I gorged and all was well with the world. Cory and I also climbed some rocks and a surprising thing happened. Now for those of you who don't know Cory, he's not the um...nicest of people. However, he occasionally has nice moments and I must have caught him on one of his extended ones. It should also be noted that he's about a foot taller than me and much stronger, so climbing is a bit easier for him. Realizing this (though I think he also has some sort of odd sense of chivalry), he actually HELPED me on SEVERAL occasions. Sounds like nothing special, but if ya knew the guy, you'd understand. Anyway, after that funness I had to leave for jiu-jitsu.Jiu-jitsu was fun, but I wanted to learn more techniques. Today, instead of learning new stuff, we basically just drilled the whole time, which got kind of boring, but oh well. Coach says that if I compete in a tournament on May 29 (it's no gi, which is not cool) an dI get 1st or 2nd place, he'll blue belt me right there. However, I don't like tournaments, so I'm torn on what I should do...While I want to be a blue belt as soon as possible, I hate that kind of competition. I want to do jiu-jitsu to do jiu-jitsu, not to compete, which is what coach wants me to do. Also, I hate point fighting (that's what determines who wins if no one's tapped out) since I can't read the points when I grapple cause I'm almost blind. That and I think it's dumb (submission fighting pwns especially with hits). Grrrr, but I want my blue belt! Oh well, I'll figure something out...Poem of the Day:Roses are redViolets are blueAnd all my base are belong to you-Cap'n Midori

Donnerstag, 9. August 2007


So, there's this weird inside joke thing with a couple friends of mine bout stealing cones and putting them in people's yards. Seeing as tomorrow is one of these friend's boyfriend's birthday, we went on a little excursion tonight. After driving around for a while, we managed to get 5 cones, almost pulled over by a cop, and almost caught while stealing one from th side of a busy road. It was fun. ^_^ Then we had to sneak over to his house (with our mad crazy ninj4 skillz) and place them strategically about his front walkway. We need to do this for everybody's birthday every year! Or maybe I'm just easily amused. Whatever, I had fun and that's all that really matters. =]-Cap'n Midori (a member of the Cone Bandits)

Dienstag, 7. August 2007

Woke u...

Woke up this morning, got in the shower, and all of a sudden my leg was covered in blood. I was confused for a moment until I realized it was dripping from my nose. That would of been ok, except it wouldn't stop for a long time. Definitely not a good way to start the morningCollege finals are over and I have only the AP bio exam left. Needless to say, I am thrilled beyond all belief. As a result I'll be able to go to jiu-jitsu enough times a week to finally get my blue belt and I'll actually get to have a life!!! The AP US History exam wasn't too bad, actually. As I arrived at school today I was hit with a feeling of "oh my God I'm screwed"ness, but I was quickly proven wrong. All in all, I did well and rawked the essays. Since I cannot speak about them because of their anal rules, I shall simply say the essays pwned in their simplicity. =] After that, I went to CiCi's (that's all you can eat pizza for $3.99, for those of you who don't know) and brought Ken along to introduce to all my friends. Went back to school after foodage and did NOTHING. Fifth period we were supposed to have a guest speaker (something to do with finances, but I already know most the crap they wanna teach us), so Andy and I asked to go to my car to get something. Let him borrow my Kenshin dvds and promptly drove away, never to return. Since we have a sub (who doesn't really care what we do) and I had already signed in for attendance I didn't have to worry bout being counted absent. =] Good times.The rest of the day was lazy. Hung out with Ken and took him to sparring class then was lazy some more. I wanted to go buy my mom a mother's day present but it occurred to me that the ad she gave me with her request doesn't say WHICH item on the ad page she wants! Great, that's I get to guess and hope I get it right. However, since I couldn't buy her a gift, I bought myself a book instead: the second book of the Sword of Truth series. Rawkage is almost assured. Tomorrow = Asian festival which promises to be cool. Food, sumo, taiko, dragon dance, an artist walk, and a koi show have been promised. ^_^ Afterwards, I get free food from Kenpa (Ken's dad)! Free food rocks my socks.Why am I obsessed with interior design?-Cap'n Midori