Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2007

Of rants and Mondays...

Well, I survived yet another Monday, though not so unscathed. My idiot German teacher (Akane can back me up on this) is pissed at me again cause I deem her class irrelevant. I apologize to all for what is about to be said because it shall be long, tedious, and not especially interesting. Now that I have a livejournal I think I'm going to use it to rant about crap and I think I shall start off the ranting with the topic of Frau Bardin. For some reason or another, she has decided that she knows everything about German and many other subjects. For example, she received an e-mail from a native speaker of German and, after her whole 2 semester of staying there (1 in hs and one of college), she decided she knew mroe about it than him and corrected his usage of articles. I have 2 problems with this: 1) He's probably right and 2) no one cared but her and she had lots of fun making fun of him since he "got it wrong". I also pointed out her lack of knowledge on an issue recently and got chewed out. The woman can't tell the difference between a main idea and a theme or a symbol and an archetype and she attempts to "interpret" literature. Of course, anyone who tries to correct her is being "disrespectful" or "condescending" and she does everything within her power to make that person feel stupid and threatens them with office referrals. Now, all of this (and there is MUCH more) might be tolerable if we actually learned in class. Now, I'm not sure why we have to go to school 7 hours a day, but I'm pretty sure that the 73 minutes I spend in that class should be used at least PARTLY for learning. But no, we do nothing. And it's not even that "nothing" where we actually do a little bit of something, it's literally NOTHING. Grr. I sometimes want to hit her with a heavy, solid, object. I can go on for hours about that woman, so I think I'll stop myself...The rest of the day was ok, cept for a stupid physics lab. Get to do a symposium on "Should the US be in Afghanistan" tomorrow(What are y'all's thoughts?). Took Ken to work and then eventually went to Japanese. Found out they won't have a Japanese 3 class next fall semester which made me quite the sad. =[ Now I'll actually have to study on my own so I don't forget everything. Gah, stupid colleges and their we-must-have-8-people-in-a-class rules. Oh well...I should probably go do something useful now, since school insists on sucking out my soul...-Cap'n Midori

1 Kommentar:

tuciefamily17 hat gesagt…

Oh, don't forget everyone's (least) favorite soap opera, Frau Bardin's Love Life!As for "Should the US be in Afghanistan?" - we had considerably more moral and political justification for invading there than we did for Iraq, and a great deal more international support. We should, of course, remove our troops as soon as is feasible, but by "feasible", I include the meaning that Afghanistan would have a reasonably stable democratic government that recognizes all major human rights and can keep itself afloat. As soon as that's certain, we need to get the behoozits out. Irresponsibly pulling out too soon and leaving a dangerous power vacuum is just as bad as staying in a little too long, but we have no business indefinitely interfering in the internal affairs of a foreign nation.It is the very purpose of school to suck out children and youths' souls.~Akane