Samstag, 23. Juni 2007

Ok, just bac...

Ok, just back from watching Butterfly Effect and I must say that that movie is one very long mind copulation. Good movie, but weird out the wazzoo. After watching that joyness, I took Ken home and almost hit a dog on the way back here. Now, most of you are probably thinking "so what? that's no big deal" but I must admit I am rather shaken by it. I have no idea why I'm rambling about it here but I guess that's what this is for. I wouldn't mind it so much except that my first pet (the cutest little white and black kitty you'd have ever met) was hit by a car. I cried for days after that and still blame myself for it a bit. We used to let her outside for a little bit in the evenings and if I had just tried a little harder to find her and bring her inside before we left, she would have lived...When the dog ran in front of me and I lost sight of it (before I saw run away safely) all I could think was "Oh my God, I'm going to make some poor little kid cry, just like I did back then..." And, um, yeah...I feel stupid for putting this in here. Started a model of Heavyarms Custom with Ken, day before yesterday. Was all going well till the power died (it was special) and let me tell you that building Gundam models by lantern light really isn't all that romantic. Tis amusing, though. ("Hey, move your hand, you're blocking the light!" "Just let me get the damn sticker on first!")Finally, in my little nonsequenctial ramblings, I must say that 4 day weekends pwn, as do $10 sushi buffets. =]-Cap'n Midorilittle known Midori fact: I cannot stand cooked fish (I can barely eat it without becoming ill), but love it raw.

1 Kommentar:

latriciqfeuacileyahoocom hat gesagt…

It's not silly at all, I almost had a heart attack when I thought a SQUIRREL was gonna run in front of me-- a SQUIRREL. It wasn't even a pet.Heheheee... "come with me, my love, and we shall built Heavyarms models by the light of a lantern..." XD